
Monday, August 20, 2012

Hello again!

I'm baaaack! Not that I've been far away, I actually haven't gone anywhere at all! So many viruses & illnesses has kept this family relatively quiet over the colder months thus far, but as the weather warms up.. So do I. Hubby and I are not winter people at all, we both seem to go into our cocoons over the Winter. So over the next few days, I hope to do a catch up on my blog..

We're up tonight with our little man, he hasn't been sleeping that well of late (or ever really) but lately it's been worse, 4 teeth coming in, illness & he's just started standing & trying to walk, so he's never really prepared to sit still for very long, which is oh so cute, but oh so tiring all at the same time! :-)

It's our 'off term' as opposed to our 'on term' when Hubby's kids are here (also known as the 'off term' lol) so the two boys have been bonding really well & playing up a storm in the absence of the 2 baby helicopters, my eldest 2 stepchildren, who tend to hog the baby!
The kidlets have been coming back every 2nd weekend. So we've been trying to pop in the odd family activity here & there but haven't ventured too far in light of everyone feeling unwell or what it seems the remainder of the population trying to influenza any healthy people that do venture out!

We've had a good couple of months & I look forward to getting back into my blog & sharing with you the crazy world that is this family.

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