I don't feel like I've honestly had a decent nights sleep for approx 13.5 months.. Or since the 25th July 2011 to be exact, the night before our little Charlie joined us. With a 7 year age gap between my 2 boys, I'd forgotten what a sleepless night felt like (unless self inflicted) and although I've always been quite the night owl, I most certainly have never been an early bird/morning person! If I could crawl out of bed each morning at 9am my universe would be aligned! However, I have been blessed with a bub who seems to have a sleep intolerance.. He is intolerant to sleep during the day (unless being held), sleep during the night (unless it's in our bed) and sometimes 11pm - 4am is PARTY TIME.. A time for Charlie to catch up on the Teletubbies it seems.
Last night was one such night, his 'everyone has just settled down for bed' radar went off at 11 and I finally coaxed him back to sleep by 3:30, just in time for me to have a blissful 3 hrs sleep (not).
My eldest son ditched his daytime naps quite early on, but he also used to go to bed at 5:30 in the afternoons so that to me was really a win/win situation. You hear people say, sleep when they sleep or go to bed when they do and it sounds great in theory but not in practice! 'night kids i'm off to bed now, supervise yourselves, cook dinner, do the washing & tuck yourselves in' I think not! :-)
And the last thing I feel like doing when I've got a nice, peaceful quiet house all to myself is go to bed.. Those hours can be bliss.. I get a lot more done, have a lot less stress & the house seems different at that hour, really calm, serene & full of love. It's the times I have my best ideas & the time that I allow myself to dream..
So I guess I can't complain.. I just keep reminding myself that eventually all babies sleep & that he is growing up so fast & that one day this will all be a bleary memory & I treasure the time we spend cuddling, playing & fighting sleep.. Lucky black bags suit me :-P