I'm distracted, and will be until the 26th December, you see I am addicted to Christmas & lately I can think of nothing but Christmas.. Christmas Day, Christmas Presents, Christmas Food, Christmas Lights.. You name it, I'm thinking about it.. Geez I even briefly thought of entertaining Hubby's crazy idea of a Mrs Claus outfit, very briefly & not very likely.. {Sorry Hubby}
I must admit I was a little 'Already?!' When I saw the first Christmas tree back in September, but by October I was itching to start my Christmas shopping & started buying things to put away for both December 1st & Christmas Eve/Day itself. I made a pact with myself that I wouldn't venture into the speciality Christmas stores or the Myer Trim shop (my weakness) until November 1st & I'm doing pretty good because its now the 12th November & I still haven't visited!
I love popping things away early though, that way you are guaranteed that you don't miss out. I have already bought the Advent Calendars (including the Lego City Advent Calendar) The Christmas T-Shirts, some books, ornaments & deco items and have tucked them away securely (mainly to stop me prodding them daily) Last year I had all of my Christmas presents purchased by the end of October & I found it such a weight off my mind, rather than running around till the last second (As I did the year before when I found myself at Chermside at 3am in the morning shopping madly!)
Some of the items I've squirrelled away;
Hubby's Christmas Tshirt.
Lego City Advent Calendar for Mr 8 & Mr 10.
Elf on the Shelf for some Elfish Antics.
Night Before Christmas, Little People for Mr 2.
What I'm hoping I buy today;
And the list goes on... (It really is endless)
At this rate, I plan on being finished by the end of November ( I didn't do as many toy sale lay by's this year) which still gives me early December to wrap (another thing that Hubby & I no longer want to do on Christmas Eve!) & just ENJOY Christmas with the kids. I still go to the shops at Christmastime (too often really) because I love the atmosphere at Christmas, it's just so nice with the lights on & music playing.. Aside from the odd ba-humbug, people even seem happier at Christmas.
And This is the first Christmas that the kids will be home all day (next year my 3 Stepkids won't be here for Christmas so instead of halving Christmas, we get 1 each) so I'm sure there will be lots of excitement in the lead up to Christmas & a very crazy Christmas morning ! Definitely looking forward to it as its quite hard/rushed to cram Christmas Day into 1/2 a day ~ particularly when visiting family etc.
Iv also just started The Organised Housewife's 'Organise Yourself a Merry Little Christmas' challenge. It started last week (I started yesterday) so I'm madly catching up! You can see my progress on Instagram & after iv finally completed the first week ill pop up a post here :)
Oh well best get back to it.. Have a lovely day, humour me, comment & reassure me that I'm not the only one whose caught Christmas Crazy!

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