
Friday, January 25, 2013

My Hopes For The New School Year

So we're all organised for back to school! The supplies have been purchased, covered & packed. Lunch boxes & drink bottles labelled & uniforms washed, labelled, ironed & hung.. It is with sadness the school holidays draw to a close, I looked forward to them for so long & now they're over, it's just gone way too quick for my liking. I'm not one of these Mums who count down the days till school goes back because I enjoy the freedom of no routine, I enjoy spending time with the kids and it takes 1 million worries off your mind when their close by rather than out in the big wide world. So no, I'm not really looking forward to them going back at all. However, I know they love it.. They thrive on learning and the interaction and they have become bored of the holidays.. 7 weeks to them must feel like forever.

I didn't enjoy the kids school last year, not at all. I didn't like the kids Teachers nor the overall atmosphere of the school or the way it conducted many of its program's & events. I bit my lip through assemblies where I felt like bursting into laughter or yelling back at the Principal at times out of the sheer frustration of how useless I felt the school had become. I gritted my teeth when I paid the fee's each term as I felt it was money better spent elsewhere.. But we will still be returning.. Why? Because my kids love it & I wonder if I missed something?

So it is my hope that this year I can find some joy in the school. Staff left in droves at the end of last year & I wonder if this will freshen things up? I hope that I will love my kids Teacher's this year & that they will seem excited to be there {the Teacher's that is} I hope we as parents will be made to feel comfortable within the school as I felt far from welcome last year. I hope that the School has tweaked their motivation, behaviour & rewards program so that it will be more inclusive of the whole school population & that kids who do the right thing all the time won't be ignored as I felt they were last year. And at the same time I hope those kids who struggle to achieve & do the right thing are given the opportunity to shine. I'm going back this year with an open mind but have decided if I am still not happy by the end of this year I will change schools. I'm not looking forward to that so I hope my faith is restored in the school during 2013. These are my hopes for the kids this year;

I hope that Mr 12 has a smooth transition into high school & that he makes new friends quickly, that he stays safe in his new found independence & makes the most of his new Highshool despite not wanting to go there. I hope that others are kind to him & that he works hard to achieve. I hope that he is able to find himself this year & make the most of every opportunity that arises.

I hope that Miss 12 enjoys year 7 and the leadership that comes with being the highest grade in the school. I hope we are able to find some peace with her ADHD this year & find a happy balance for her medication & an end to the tumultuous behaviour that seems to have emerged of late. I hope that she can tell the truth & that she regains the trust and respect of her peers. I hope her Teacher is firm but fair & that she finds her work easier to understand than in the previous year. No one likes to see their child struggle and success would be fantastic for her self esteem. I hope that she finds a hobby she loves and that she takes many happy memories away from her last year at Primary School.

I hope that Mr 9 starts to mature this year & that he loses the 'class clown' facade that he puts on. The sooner he realises he is worth far more than everyone laughing at his expense the better. He has friends that are no good for him, yet he plays with them despite knowing they are bad news. I hope in 2013 he has the courage to break out of his comfort zone and find new friends. I hope he experiences many great things & enjoys his first school camp later year.

I hope that Mr 7 continues to grow in confidence & that he continues to try new things. In the past, shy and unsure he has been unwilling to 'have a go' and easily embarrasses when trialling new things. I'd love for him to feel courageous in all that he does. I hope the Teacher's don't continue to 'tar' him with the same brush as my Step kids as each is an individual & should be treated as such. Thankfully the teacher he has this year hasn't taught any of my Stepchildren so he may be on a fairer wicket. I hope he stays connected with his friends even though they have been dispersed throughout different classes & I hope the emotional roller coaster he has been riding of late (school holiday boredom I hope?) will soon come to an end & he will feel excited to be going back to school once more.

On the whole I hope that their school year is fun, exciting & filled with many memories that will last them a lifetime. I hope they are eager to go to school each day & have a look of contentment & inspired awe when I collect them each afternoon. I hope they get every opportunity to learn, share, express themselves & succeed. I wish them a fantastic year of school in 2013 because school is meant to be exciting & memorable for all the right reasons.
Linking up with Jess @


  1. So well written. Wouldn't it be wonderful if every child enjoyed school.

  2. It's so important to be happy with the school isn't it?
    We've been blessed with fantastic teachers this year, which I'm so happy about. And because I'm happier the kids have been too, even though my eldest was a little reluctant at first.
    Hope it really is a better year for you all. :)

    1. Dani @ A Wishful WhimsyFebruary 1, 2013 at 12:11 PM

      Thats for sure Jess and I agree, the year that I loved all the teachers and the school it was fantastic.. so far so good this year though so im going to keep my fingers crossed. Thanks :)
