Well we're half way through the school holidays and I must admit we've been having a great time.. I have been looking forward to these school holidays for quite some time now and so far they have met my every expectation. Term 3 felt like it went for an eternity, so its been nice to have a welcome break at the end of it..

I found a school holiday planner very useful in organising my days/time as well as reading/looking up local publications, businesses and websites for great school holiday ideas/shows. The best resources have been council sites (libraries) and local shopping centres - we were even fortunate to receive an itinerary of local events in our area distributed by our local councillor which also had some great ideas and events on it as well.
We have been on a shoe-string budget this past week as it's our 'off' pay week and car rego, insurances and a gazillion other bills fell due just in time for the holidays (great timing) however, I have found some of the best holiday activities have been either free or quite inexpensive so even having very little disposable money hasn't dampened our plans..
Here is how our first week of holidays went;
Saturday: Day trip to the Toowoomba Carnival of Flowers.
Sunday: Checked out the new local water park and kicked the football around at the exercise park.
Monday: Trip to the Art Gallery to see the Lego Exhibition
Tuesday: Morning at the local swimming pool with an ice-cream from Macca's afterwards.
Wednesday: Visit to the Play centre with my Son's school friend (We purchased this from Scoopon for only $5.00 and it included a game of Laser Tag/Mini Golf)
Thursday: Watched Diary of a Wimpy Kid 3 at the cinema's
Friday: Visited Grandparents & went to the park in the afternoon
Friday afternoon my eldest Son Indi went to visit his Dad for the weekend and wont be back til Monday, so I get a few days off to catch up on time with my Hubby and Bubby and cleaning up the house etc ready for week 2 of the school holidays which I plan to be just as fun filled and exciting as the first week!
One week to go!
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