
Thursday, June 30, 2011

My Baby Shower..

With one month to go until my due date, my lovely Mum and Aunty threw me a Baby Shower to celebrate the upcoming arrival of our little man.  My parents live in the country, so we decided on their home for the venue as they have such a pretty outlook and it's just so peaceful, clean and fresh in the mountain air.  The day was gorgeous and sunny and it was so lovely getting together with so many lovely female friends and family for good food and games. I created the games to play on the day and we played the following;

* Celebrity Mums and Bubs
You were allocated the name of a celebrity mum on a card & a separate card with a celebrity child's name on it. You had to wander around, introduce yourself to everyone and find your correct children.  I found this to be a great icebreaker and a good way to start off the games of the day.

* How many Jelly Babies in the Bottle?
I filled an Avent feeding bottle with jelly babies and the guests had to guess how many were in the bottle.

* Mum to Be 20 Q's
20 Questions about myself, my infancy and childhood.. the person with the most correct answers was the winner.

* The Price is Right
I put out 6 baby items and the guests had to guess the cost of each item, closest one to the complete total was the winner..

*Guess the Belly.
Using wool, the guests had to cut the wool to an approximate length that would fit around my pregnant belly.  People can be very unkind hahahaha.. Although 2 people nearly got it spot on in the end!

*A-Z of Baby Names and Baby Things
With 2 minutes on the clock, guests had to write down in alphabetical order - baby names and baby items starting with each letter of the alphabet.. first to finish their list, was the winner..

I also had a couple more games up my sleeve such as 'Guess whats in the nappy bag' and 'Baby food tasting' but I ended up running out of time and lunch looked too appealing, so we stopped playing games to have our delicious lunch, followed by a gorgeous cake that my friend made for me - take a look at the amazing inside!
(photo to come when blogger wishes to cooperate!)

and I opened some delightful gifts..

All in all it was a fantastic day and I had a wonderful time.. Thank you to all of those girls for making me feel very special xo

1 comment:

  1. Classic, those are some pretty cool ideas. I've never been to a baby shower that was that much fun.
