
Saturday, June 30, 2012

Day at Dreamworld..

Today we awoke to SUNSHINE! So we decided it was a great day to head to Dreamworld on the Gold Coast.  I thought our annual passes were to expire tomorrow, being the last day of June, however, upon presenting them to the ticket office this morning I noticed we have a 'bonus month' so they don't end until the end of July! (even better)...  

We have only made it there 3 times before this visit, so I was very impressed today with all of the changes that have been made to the younger kids area in the park.  The last few times I have been I felt the area that was formerly home to the Nickolodean characters was dismal and depressing, bordering on dirty.. but today there was no sign of that, with the new Dreamworks branding the area was beautifully finished, colourful, vibrant and overall IMPRESSIVE!  The kids absolutely loved the ride's and didn't even harrass us to go on the scary rides (that I loathe..)  I was a little perturbed by the fact the children's rollercoaster was missing it's last 2 seats and the 2nd last row had two crash test dummy's sitting in them (needless to say the kids didn't go on that ride today!).   Even our little one got to go on the Merry-Go-Round, which he looked rather concerned about, but thought it hilarious when his Brother's and Sister went on the Flying Dronkey's (very cute). 

We checked out all of the animals, had lunch in the all-you-can eat restaraunt and Hubby and the kid's even got a go at the Alien Vs. Predator Vs. You laser tag, which we hadn't played before.. they had a ball.  When it was time to go home, we got the usual 'Can we please go to the gift shop' whine's from all of the kid's (well at least 3 out of 5) and luckily we had a quick (lengthy) stopover in the gift shop because when we came out, the lights & laser show was about to start (we didn't even know it was on?)  So all in all, it was a great full day out..

glad the rain P.O.Q'd and let us have this lovely day out.. it was just the break away from the house that we needed..

Friday, June 29, 2012

Rain Rain Go Away!

Well we are six days into the school holidays (Yippee) and we haven't seen much sunshine.. The kids have been unable to go out into the rain to play (for fear of melting) and we hadn't ventured far as my eldest Son was visiting with his Dad for the first part of the school holidays (also on a rained out holiday!) so we were waiting for him to rejoin the tribe before visiting the school holiday regulars (museum, art gallery etc). 
It has given us time however, as my hubby is also on 2 weeks holidays to get the odd jobs that have been niggling at us around the house.. I am well and truly on a decluttering mission and for the first time ever, WINNING!

Talk about winning.. I won a double pass to see 'What to Expect when you are Expecting' through the Safe n Sound Facebook page.. I was so stoked and had all of these lovely visions of me, myself and I sitting in the cinema relaxing and kicking back to my own company and enjoying the movie i'd been hoping to see, but each afternoon when I check the mail box i'm deeply depressed because they're not here yet!  They told me they would be posting them on Thursday! I hope they show up soon, I would love a little 'Mummy Break' right about now.. 

It's been odd having all of the kidlet's home for not 1 but 2 whole weeks these holidays.. We made an agreement with their bio-Mum last year that we would take a 2 week block each and split the other holidays 50/50.. it's worked out well so far, but means the next term (when we don't have them) we won't get to see them as much.. but it is much better for organising trips away etc (maybe next year when we have the warmer 2 week break!)  

Oh well id best get a little snooze in before my bed is invaded by not only 1 but 2 children each night now! More on that bad habit another post...