
Monday, December 30, 2013

A Year in Review.. Farewell 2013

This time last year I knew 2013 was going to be a great year because 13 is my lucky number, it always has been, so why would 2013 disappoint me?  And 365 days later (or however many there are in a year..) I guess whilst 2013 wasn't a FANTASTIC year (in that I didn't win the Lotto or gain a cleaning fairy etc.) it was a GOOD year and I won't/can't complain. 

I must be getting old in that I wanted to reflect upon the year that was, and instead I am quite blank as to what I got up to this year.. Lucky I have good ol' Facebook and Instagram to help me out when it comes to reminiscing. 

2013 was the year I stayed at home (not literally) for the entire year I have been a SAHM, looking after the kidlet's and focussing on my awesome domestic goddess skills (that need a lot of fine tuning in 2014) I didn't renew my Teacher Registration at the end of last year, instead choosing to take a little break from relief Teaching until I am able to return to work more regularly.  I have really enjoyed staying at home & plan on doing so in 2014 as well and whilst I can't wait to get back into Teaching, I know at home with the kids is where I belong for now. 

This year was also the first time that I have travelled outside of my home state (unless popping just over the border counts) we took an awesome road trip down to Sydney with the two boys.  I really enjoyed seeing places that I haven't seen before and it was great to see things in person such as the Sydney Harbour Bridge (that you often see on the TV but could never relate to before)  I look forward to travelling more in the new year as it's something we really enjoyed as a family.

Last year I promised myself I would be more social and whilst this really hasn't happened or changed much, I feel going into 2014 that I am more at ease with my social standing.  I was a little unsure of some of the friendships I had earlier in the year and I didn't know if they were worth continuing, but at the tail end of the year, I am glad that I have kept in touch and persevered, despite how busy life gets as we're all really in the same boat.. the busy boat.. and it's nice to have friends to keep us afloat at the end of the day.  

Hubby & I celebrated 7 years together & 4 years married. We haven't had much spare time this year as Mr 2 is a terrible sleeper (parties all night long) & we have a fair few projects on the go such as Hubby's career advancement & studies but we're still able to relate to one another & be there for each other. 

The house hasn't really advanced much in the past 12 months past a good de-clutter & a change of decor in a few of the rooms. We did get a new Vanity & toilet installed, plus replaced a lot of our larger appliances as they all decided 2013 was a good year to kick the bucket (all very close to one another, as they do!) In 2014 I have a lot of ideas for our dear home, finding the time & $$ is another story!  

The kids all had a good year, proud of their achievements and can't believe how fast they are all growing up. It was Miss 12's last year of Primary School this year so next year we will have 2 in Primary & 2 in High-School which seems very surreal.. It's been quite an adjustment having teens & Tweens in the home this year.. Pimples, hormones, periods, sex talk & even swearing have been on the agenda in the past year & it's been interesting to say the least. But I guess it's a learning curve for us all & we'll continue to acclimatise to the teen years as they grow. 

As far as parenting arrangements went  (being a blended family with shared care of my Stepkids) We  tested out a few new tactics this year with my Stepkids, including Mr 13 staying an additional night each fortnight, this has worked out well and has given us more time to spend with him. We also divvied up the holidays so that we get 1 complete term holiday each (this year we got the entire September/October break) this was also nice, although we stayed home for much of it, but next year it might give us the opportunity to take a nice holiday. For those that read my post about Christmas, we also got the entire Christmas period this year but next year, we won't see the kids until early January while they are in N.Z celebrating Christmas with their Mum. Mr 8 continues to see his Dad every other weekend, which he is happy with & it works ~ he also seems more settled with less interruption to his everyday life. Being a big blended family as we are with His, Mine & Ours (although we consider them all to be 'ours' at the end of the day) isn't always easy & I think that the paragraph above, speaking of raging hormones & crazy tween behaviour has made this year a little more challenging than previous years, when the kids were younger.. It wasn't until this year that I became a 'wicked stepmother' or got told 'you can't tell me what to do' but I'm sure that is tame compared to what may lay ahead! 

Where other Family has been concerned, 2013 has been a little odd, perhaps a little more detached than usual. Relatives who I normally kept in close contact with have seemed a little distant, once again busy with their own crazy lives.. It's ashame because every time we get together, people always say 'it's been too long!' 'We need to do this more!' But it never happens & life whizzes by in a blur and before you know it, family are only meeting up at Christmas, Funerals & Weddings.. Once again I will thank Facebook for keeping me in the loop of much of my estranged family :)  

But there have been many happy moments, memorable moments, sad moments & glad they're in the past moments! 2013 has been a great year & I look forward to today being the last of the old & then bring in the new! Time for new challenges, new chapters, continued family bonds & beautiful friendships.. I look forward to 2014 & I fondly farewell 2013.. Xoxo 

So This Was Christmas 2013..

I can hardly believe that Christmas was nearly 1 whole week ago and tomorrow it will be New Years Eve!  Time flies and I find it rather depressing because Christmastime is one time of the year that I wish could go forever!  I love everything about Christmas, even the crazy crowds at the shopping centres and the extra 2kg (give or take) piled on by eating all those wonderful Christmassy foods! (thankfully most of which have now been eaten from our fridge, with the exception of Hubby's Birthday pav from yesterday which I plan on eating a final piece for dessert this evening!) 
Christmas was a little different this year because all the kids got to stay home for the entire day.  Usually my three step kid's only spend 1/2 the day here or there til 1pm or from 1pm (depending on whose turn it is) but next year they will be spending the entire Christmas with their Mother in New Zealand so we got to have them home for the entire day this year.  It was nice, because we didn't have to rush from place to place, the kids got to see the whole family and still had plenty of time to actually play with the gifts they were given.  Next year will be odd without them, but I'm sure we'll cross that bridge when we get to it!
Aside from that little difference everything else was tradition as usual.. We kicked off Christmas with a lovely dinner on Christmas Eve with all the trimmings such as roast pork and beef, Christmas ham and prawns.  We took the kids out to look at the Christmas lights (which we looked at quite a few times this year, due to Mr 2's addiction to Christmas Light looking!)  Sprinkled reindeer food on the front lawn, hung our stockings, placed our Santa sacks and left out milk & cookies for Santa (the cookies tasted like lemon washing up liquid, they were not nice and I'm surprised that Santa ate every last crumb!) 

Christmas Eve Dinner

One of our many light looking adventures

Christmas morning the kids were up at a reasonable hour, Mr 8 creeping in at 5:45 to wake me.  The kids wait until everyone is awake to open their gifts, but know they can tuck into their stockings before that.. So there was a lot of chocolate rustling and woopie cushioning before Mr 2 woke up at 7:30 (I don't think the kids could have waited much longer!) And then they got into their pressies, as per usual far too many but a lot of happy little faces and squeals of delight make the morning all worthwhile (despite the empty bank account!)
Christmas Morning is never dull in our home!
The rest of the day was spent with my family which was lovely, we don't get to spend enough time together, so Christmas is always a time I look forward to because my family always get together and enjoy the day, like we haven't really been apart.  Christmas is great for that. 
So it brings us now to December 30 & our decorations are all still up and our house is still well lit outside (because Mr 2 doesn't want us to take any lights or deco's down as yet) and I guess I really should start taking them down little by little, but I'll make a start on that after New Years. 
So I know it's late and I'm closer to New Years than Christmas, but I'd like to wish all of my Blog readers a very Merry Christmas, I hope however, you spent the day it was lovely and special xoxo

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Wordless Wednesday 27th November 2013 ~ Christmas Books


We've had the Christmas books out & about for a week or so now {although they really never go away} but I sorted through the book boxes & found them out & popped them into a basket for the kids to easily access. My basket is missing its decoration {thanks to Mr 2} but you get the idea. The kids all get a new Christmas book each on Dec 1st along with their Christmas Tshirt, Advent Calendar & an ornament for the tree. 

I also borrowed out some Christmas books from the library this year too that the older kids can enjoy as I found our collection was a little younger. Last year the older kids had Christmas chapter books but I had no luck in finding different titles this year. 

                                                3 of these I've had since I was little. 

                                       Picked this material book up at a market earlier in the year. 

                 Our pop up book has seen better days & the jolly postman is missing a few activities. 


                                                           Some Australian Christmas Titles. 

                                                                     Love Little People :) 

                                                                  Books from the Library
Linking up with Trish from My Little Drummer Boys
Karly from Three in Three
for Wordless Wednesday!

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Wordless Wednesday ~ 13th November 2013

This year I fell in love time & time again, with these beautiful, furry little cuties. I'd never had much experience with puppies  until this year when Mum & Dad's dogs ALL had Pups {thanks to a neighboring dog, hiding out on their property} 

Thankfully we have been able to find beautiful homes for each of them & with only 12 left to find homes for {they're not quite 8 weeks yet} Mum will soon have a life again as she has dedicated every waking minute to raising these little guys. 
These pups, we gave each and every one of them a nickname & loved them so much I hope they are loved just as much in their new homes. 

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Christmas Crazy!

I'm distracted, and will be until the 26th December, you see I am addicted to Christmas & lately I can think of nothing but Christmas.. Christmas Day, Christmas Presents, Christmas Food, Christmas Lights.. You name it, I'm thinking about it.. Geez I even briefly thought of entertaining Hubby's crazy idea of a Mrs Claus outfit, very briefly & not very likely.. {Sorry Hubby} 

I must admit I was a little 'Already?!' When I saw the first Christmas tree back in September, but by October I was itching to start my Christmas shopping & started buying things to put away for both December 1st & Christmas Eve/Day itself. I made a pact with myself that I wouldn't venture into the speciality Christmas stores or the Myer Trim shop (my weakness) until November 1st & I'm doing pretty good because its now the 12th November & I still haven't visited! 

I love popping things away early though, that way you are guaranteed that you don't miss out. I have already bought the Advent Calendars (including the Lego City Advent Calendar) The Christmas T-Shirts, some books, ornaments & deco items and have tucked them away securely (mainly to stop me prodding them daily)  Last year I had all of my Christmas presents purchased by the end of October & I found it such a weight off my mind, rather than running around till the last second (As I did the year before when I found myself at Chermside at 3am in the morning shopping madly!) 

Some of the items I've squirrelled away; 
                    Hubby's Christmas Tshirt.

       Lego City Advent Calendar for Mr 8 & Mr 10.

Elf on the Shelf for some Elfish Antics.

       Night Before Christmas, Little People for Mr 2.

What I'm hoping I buy today; 

And the list goes on... (It really is endless) 

At this rate, I plan on being finished by the end of November ( I didn't do as many toy sale lay by's this year) which still gives me early December to wrap (another thing that Hubby & I no longer want to do on Christmas Eve!) & just ENJOY Christmas with the kids. I still go to the shops at Christmastime (too often really) because I love the atmosphere at Christmas, it's just so nice with the lights on & music playing.. Aside from the odd ba-humbug, people even seem happier at Christmas. 

And This is the first Christmas that the kids will be home all day (next year my 3 Stepkids won't be here for Christmas so instead of halving Christmas, we get 1 each) so I'm sure there will be lots of excitement in the lead up to Christmas & a very crazy Christmas morning ! Definitely looking forward to it as its quite hard/rushed to cram Christmas Day into 1/2 a day ~ particularly when visiting family etc. 

Iv also just started The Organised Housewife's 'Organise Yourself a Merry Little Christmas' challenge. It started last week (I started yesterday) so I'm madly catching up! You can see my progress on Instagram & after iv finally completed the first week ill pop up a post here :) 

Oh well best get back to it.. Have a lovely day, humour me, comment & reassure me that I'm not the only one whose caught Christmas Crazy! 

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Wordless Wednesday 30th October 2013 {Halloween}

Up until a few years ago, Halloween wasn't something I acknowledged.  I always made sure I had lollies in the house for Trick-or-Treater's {who never came a knocking mind you!} but aside from that it wasn't a celebration we 'got into' but a few years back, I threw up my hands & said 'why not?!' The result, a fun time each year on October 31st..  Above is a glimpse of our Halloween decorating this year.. Simple but effective for a very eager 2 year old :) 

Tomorrow we plan on watching the Nick Jnr Halloween Cartoon line up, Trick or Treating at home (the kids can trick or treat us.. Unfortunately our neighbourhood doesn't get into it) and having a little Halloween party after school. All in the name of fun of course! 

Does your family celebrate Halloween? 

Thanks for stopping by! 
Why not pop back to yesterday's post to enter my giveaway :) 

Linking Up with Trish from My Little Drummer Boys for Wordless Wednesday. 

Monday, October 28, 2013

Still 2kool4skool.. A follow up review from

A little under a year ago, I was approached by a local up and coming company who sought to put the 'cool' back into school.   Kathy and her team from launched their fantastic online store that was filled to the brim with funky stationary products promising to 'rock your pencil case'  right down to the uber kool pencil case that you could fit all the goodies in.  With kids who regularly harassed me for Smiggle products I was more than a little excited to have a look see at their product range and happily road tested some of their products for back to school 2013. 

For those of you that didn't get to read the review, feel free to catch up here;

Fast forward 11 months and I was happy to accept a follow up review to let you guys know how I found their products throughout the past year & if they were holding up. 

I am happy to report that I have so far been impressed with the products I was given for the review and the additional products that I purchased from  

One of the BEST products that I cannot recommend highly enough is the 2kool4skool book covers.. Available in exercise, A4 & Scrapbook size, they were an absolute winner for back to school 2013.  One year, no word of a lie I covered 120 books for the kids & at the end of it, I wished for such a product... Kathy made that wish come true! Not only was book covering 'effortless' I was proud of the books I sent in to school with the kids & still to this day I am proud when I see their books at school or when they come home, because they are still so neat & tidy. Check out my Stepdaughter's Music book and my Son's Homework Book (my personal fave design ~ peace).  These are two books that travel back & forth weekly & they still look fab! Imagine how shiny the ones that sit in their desks still look, top notch! The spines are still in great condition and with no rips or tears in the PVC I could easily reuse these next year if I wished.

The kids said the covers were great because their books were easily recognisable & lots of their friends commented on the cool designs and searched for the ice-block (the built in game on every cover). 
Their pencil cases withstood the test of time, albeit a zipper tag has fallen off, but that's not bad going for an item that's used daily.  When they bought them home over the last school holidays, I did a quick inventory of their supplies, gave the case a wipe over with a chux (so handy they are all PVC) and refilled them ready for 4th term (a red pencil & red felt pen are a necessity for term 4!) 

Their pencils, erasers & sharpeners were all well loved or pinched by the end of term 2, they were just that popular. Mr 8 often complained of his funky smart phone sharpener going walkabout & would always find it on a neighbouring desk.. He stopped taking his gym boot pencil case to school a few weeks into term 1 because he was getting too many girls stopping by his desk to check out his kool stuff, too much female attention.. I'm sure he won't be complaining about that in a few years.. 

I didn't complain though because I scored that pencil case for my teaching bag, where it gets tons of positive comments & stores all of the cool products I snaffled for myself including my favourite scented pens (strawberry is divine) and a stock of the double ended scented markers (yes I like smelly stuff ~ who doesn't!?) And with scents like Choc Chip Cookie & even Pizza, you won't be able to stop sniffing your pencil case.. {warning might result in odd looks LOL} 

I was absolutely devastated when our school announced that they were supplying the books for 2014 & along with that, slip covers for the books... How bummed was I?! Thankfully the school is allowing us to cover the kids books as I wasn't going to miss out on the exciting new range of covers that 2kool4skool has released for back to school 2014.  No way! And I highly doubt with our Principals taste that his covers will be half as cool.. :) 

So with all that in mind, I'd happily shop & continue to shop the staff are lovely, they still have a great presence on social media such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter & Pinterest & really, who doesn't want to make back to school shopping easier... Pop over to their website & start checking them out.. You will not be disappointed & have many hours to gain NOT covering books!
You can find 2Kool4Skool here or follow them on Facebook to find out about all their cool upcoming products & stationary lines for cool stocking fillers and back to school 2014 here!  

For those that want to try out a fantastic pencil case from enter my giveaway below as I have 5 fab pencil cases to give away to my lucky readers. *Please note those that don't have Facebook, please just leave a blog post comment to enter :) 

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Linking up with Jess from 'Essentially Jess' for IBOT. 


Sunday, October 27, 2013

Recipe of the Week ~ Mixed Berry, Cream Cheese & White Chocolate Jaffles

I came across this recipe last week in the November edition of the free Coles Magazine & the beauty of this recipe is, if you can make a toasted sandwich, you can make these!!!

To buy all of the ingredients for the recipe wasn't terribly cost effective,  infact the ingredients were about $15/$20
 However, if you have some of the ingredients already its a bonus (I didn't!) but depending on how many you make, you will have lots of leftovers. As I only made these for my Hubby & I (4 Jaffles) we had plenty of leftover Cream Cheese, Berries & White Chocolate melts... Seconds!  

As I said, super easy recipe; 
A loaf of white bread
Cream Cheese
Frozen Mixed Berries 
White Chocolate Melts 
Icing Sugar & Maple Syrup to serve (optional) 
* I used the Coles brand cream cheese & frozen mixed berries as outlined in their magazine but any brand would work fine. 

You will need to cook them on; 
Either a sandwich press or a frying pan. 
* I used a 4 sandwich, sandwich press. 

Start by buttering as many pieces of bread as you will need to make the desired amount of sandwiches. 

Turn the bread, buttered side down & spread cream cheese onto the bread. Place the defrosted/softened berries onto the cream cheese and sprinkle with white chocolate melts. 

Spread the top slice of bread with cream cheese & place it buttered side up onto the sandwich. You are now ready to place it into the Sandwich press. Cook until it is golden, remove, cut & dust with icing sugar to serve.. You may want a drizzle of maple syrup as well but as I had neither in my pantry, the sandwich still tasted fantastic without the icing sugar or maple syrup! 

These were a fantastic alternative to our usual Sunday cooked breakkie of Bacon & Eggs but would also make a yummy dessert as well. 

Try them out, you sure wont be disappointed! 

Saturday, October 26, 2013

Thinking of my Nan... Happy Birthday Nanny Berl.

Today would have been my Nan's 73rd Birthday.  It's been 21 long years since my beautiful Nan grew her angel wings & was needed elsewhere & everyday I think of her & how different the family would be if she were still here. Nan or Nanny Beryl (Bubble or Nanny Berl) was the first person whose death made me realise we won't be here forever. It made me at 11 question everything I believed in & hate Cancer more than anything in the world. 

Yes, I had friends at school whose elderly Grandparents had died, but as a child you think, my family is young, they are going to be here for a long while yet. But that wasn't to be the case, because Nan died at 52... 52 is far too young! It is the age of my Mum now. This year really hit home, thinking of Mum at her age now no longer being here... Thinking of me, at my age now, without my Mum (as Mum was) was very hard to think about. 

We virtually lived at Nan's, Nan was with us all the time, we loved going to Nan's & Pop's place and would do so daily. Nan looked after us whilst Mum worked & because Nan didn't drive, Mum would take her grocery shopping with us every week. Such beautiful memories I have of Nan & will always hold dear. I remember their house more than my own growing up & I remember all the games she taught me, movies we watched and places we would go. 

One year Nan & Pop won a family holiday to Seaworld Nara Resort, they took my Mum, Brother & I along and we had the best time, we went on other holidays together to the Coast. Beautiful memories... 

I feel for my Pop, my heart breaks for him to lose the love of your life, your wife when you are 53, must feel like a lifetime of sadness & what ifs.. His house is filled with pictures of Nan & reminders of her such as soft toys, trinkets & even her dressing gown which made me cry to see hanging next to his after all these years. I never saw or heard Nan & Pop fight, never saw them say a harsh word to each other.. Just saw 2 people very much in love, enjoying life together, getting by & having a blast with friends & family. 

It breaks my heart that she didn't get to meet her third & final Grandchild, my cousin David. She loved us Grandkids so much, spoilt us absolutely rotten & I know she would be so proud of all of us today, all 3 of her Grandchildren & I so wish she could have been around to meet my kids, her Great Grandchildren as I know she would have adored them just the same. 

On my wedding day, I wore Nan's charm bracelet, I held the bible that she carried & I cried every time I looked at it cause I felt she was there... Sharing in my day & I wished she was there in person but knew she was there watching down over me. I have the charm bracelet in my jewellery box as a present on my 21st Birthday from my Pop, I take it out & look at it often as all the charms have a meaning & I remember playing with it on her arm & Mum and her collecting their charms together. 

Mum hasn't been the same since Nan died, Nan was a huge part of her & she lost a lot of her sparkle and security.. I guess her whole world changed.. Christmas' which were always spent together lost their sparkle, Mothers Day (which was the day they realised something wasn't quite right) never felt the same again & even Birthdays... I think Mum fearing each one that bought her closer to 52... Mum always said she was going to die at 51.. That she wouldn't live to see 52, but on October 6th this year she turned 52 and I drove home with her on the eve of her Birthday, late after a wedding  to make sure she made it to 52. She had me that worried.. 

Nan lived before computers, before fancy gadgets. Pop embraces all the new technology and I sometimes find it hard to think just how much things have changed since she passed. How the world was different... But how that we haven't changed, that we still miss her oh so much even though 21 long years have passed.  

Happy Birthday Nan.. I'm sure your partying up there with Great Nan, Grandad & every other special person who is no longer with us. Have a great big piece of cake & know we are all thinking of you on this day {and every other} I hope you loved your flowers that we chose for you.  xoxox 

Toowoomba Carnival of Flowers 2013

A little backdated but I never got around to showing you all the beautiful pictures I took at the Toowoomba Carnival of Flowers last month!  I used to live in Toowoomba for Uni, so iv got a bit of a soft spot for it.  Such a pretty town I often think of moving back there, but Hubby is of the impression that its too cold LOL. Oh well maybe one day... 

Linking up with Trish @ My Little Drummer Boys for Wordless Wednesday. Xx 

Monday, October 21, 2013

2 Weeks Flew By...

I love Term 4!  It just feels different. I find it hard to keep the momentum going as we near the end of the year & feel like slipping into holiday mode by mid November. Right now I'm still in full swing though & organised and raring to give term 4 our best shot! 

A short 8 week term, I only have Mr 2 & Mr 8 at home because its the other kids term to be with their Mum {we do 50/50 ~ term on/term off} 

Initially it felt strange after having them home & having such a busy house for 12 weeks and it's terrible to say, but obviously there is going to be lots of difference between 2 & 5 kids! Where I was running out of milk & bread last term,  I now find myself having to use it up quickly before it goes stale ~ I even had to throw 2 loaves of bread & a 1/2 full bottle of juice out in the first week back!  I made too much for dinner & would often take out too many plates, cups, spoons etcetera.. But now 2 weeks on, I have adjusted.. 

I felt at the end of last week that I'd FINALLY caught up with the washing & the housework from the holidays, just in time for our weekend that all the kids return! {we get every 2nd weekend Fri-Mon in our 'off term'} but the weekend went well & it was great being the 'fun' parent again, with less discipline to contend with and no school work/homework drama's. But geez the fighting, the bickering, the volume (my stepchildren are quite loud) & the difference in their personalities become apparent after they have been away. For example they are heavily reliant upon the TV & Technology & that drives me bonkers! Disconnect! & when we do ask them to tune out they look at us like we've grown another head! 

But all the differences & the chaos aside, when we get the kids every other weekend it's nice to spend some quality time with them. We usually do things like board games/movie nights, parks, the beach etc. This weekend we managed to squeeze in breakfast out both days, the park, the Zoo yesterday & today, being a pupil free day, Mr 13 and a friend went to the movies whilst Mr 2, Mr 8 & I headed to see Turbo & do the shopping. Miss 11 & Mr 10 had to go home because their weekend ends at school commencement Monday, whereas Mr 13 as he's getting older stays till Tuesday all year round. 

So tomorrow it goes back to our family of 4 agaib for 2 weeks, which is never really 4 because you are always thinking of the others, cleaning, ironing & buying/paying for them. So whilst they aren't here physically, they are always technically here. But I guess during this term it gives me the chance to get on too of things before they come back for the Christmas holidays. :) 

Tuesday, October 08, 2013

A Change is as good as a Holiday..

Follow my blog with Bloglovin

So last night I decided to take the plunge and changed the name of the blog from A Wishful Whimsy to Several Kinds of Crazy!   It has been a change I have wanted to make for some time, yet never got around to, but now that I have I am so glad.   I feel the name Several Kinds of Crazy holds more relevance to myself and to my family, which is the basis for my Blog.   So please feel free to follow along,  follow me on Facebook or check out my Instagram.
The blog address has changed to
With the new name I am hoping to make more regular posts and will update the blog design when able.  I look forward to making Several Kinds of Crazy the blog I have always hoped it would be.. :)

Saturday, September 21, 2013

Cough Cough :(

When Mr 8 gets a cough, he really gets a cough. Ever since he was a baby, Winter & the change of season see's us at the Doctors for cough after cough. It was a relief (kind of but not really) at age 4 when they decided it was asthma related & finally we could start 'treating' it with something.  Mr 8 doesn't take a puffer all the time just at certain times of the year when his symptoms flare up, which seem to be linked with when my hayfever flares up... This week has been one of those weeks...

Iv decided that sleep is highly overrated (ill keep telling myself that) because between my neck/shoulder being in agony, Mr 8 coughing for hours at night at Mr 2 waking at random times during the evening (but more so becoming an 'early bird' I am feeling rather exhausted & sleep deprived. 

I wish there was just something I could do to relieve his cough, get him a good nights sleep and make him feel better. They've given him Ventolin & an allergy medication but despite the Butter Menthol's & Vicks Vapour Rub apparently there is little more we can do when it's asthma related. 

Later today (cause there really is no sense in saying 'tomorrow' at 3:30am ~ that day is here now my friend!) I will be taking out his bed & cleaning under it of dust etc. A good spring clean of the curtains, linen & toys might be in order too. Mr 8's getting a new loft bed tomorrow too so it's perfect timing for a bedroom spruce up. 

Iv purchased an Ultrasonic Vaporiser with some 'sniffles' oil formula tonight too. I probably should have followed through with this purchase weeks ago but talked myself out of it!  

Well it looks like Mr 8 has nodded off again so I should probably catch some Zzz's too while I can! Night all xx 

Friday, September 20, 2013

I'll have a Heat Pack and 2 Voltaren Please..

Sorry things have been a little quiet around here for the past few weeks..  I picked up a new passion the other week, rollerblading and was having quite a lot of fun with it until I took a fall on them and landed flat on my back!   3 weeks on I am still in quite a bit of pain, I have a neck spasm/whiplash (fun fun) so have been seeing a Physio and getting by day to day with Voltaren and whatever else the Doctor thought would make me complain less!
Its a bit of a shame, I was really getting into the exercise swing of things and enjoying walking daily and rollerblading a couple of times a week (I even bought my own pair, which is where things went wrong!)  I'd lost 5kg and was feeling mega great.. But the past couple of weeks I have ditched the walks as I have been put on 'rest'  (whatever that means.)  I'm giving myself till Monday to recoup a little further and then I'm going to get back into the walking.. not the rollerblading just yet!
I've been thinking more and more of my blog of late and what I want to do with it.. I have 'written' a thousand posts in my head of late that I always mean to type up but never get around to it..  One thing I have been seriously contemplating is a name change..
Perhaps as the school holidays kick off next week I will have a little more time up my sleeve without all the running around (or hobbling around as I have been in the past few weeks).
Next term the house gets all deserted again as my Stepkidlet's return to their Mother's for Term 4 and Term 1 2014, so I'll be back to my two boys.  But never fear, they will be back every other weekend and the first 1/2 of the Christmas Holidays (just to keep me on my toes!) 
Well I guess it's getting late, my heat pack and bed are calling me..
Night all xx

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Liebster Award {Why thank you Life Living!}

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First of all I will start by saying a big THANK YOU to Nicole from the Life Living Blog for nominating me for a Liebster Award. I've often seen other bloggers answering their 11 questions and wondered if my day would come, so it's lovely that it has!  Thank you!

Here are the 11 questions that I've been asked to answer :) So here goes;

1. Do you have a hobby?
I thought long and hard about this question and I wonder, does shopping count as a hobby?  If so, yes I do.. If not, I probably don't because even though I like to take up/start lots of things, I rarely follow through or finish said interests!  My latest interest, however,  is rollerblading {which is a little blast from the past} but since the kids dragged me along 3 weeks ago, I'm actually loving it and contemplating buying my own pair of rollerblades tomorrow.
2. What ever happened to your best friend from school? Are you still in contact?
I was fortunate to have many beautiful friends over the course of my schooling life and I'm probably even more fortunate to say that those who had the biggest impact of my life I am still in contact with today. 
3. Your favourite holiday destination is?

My most favourite holiday destination is the beautiful Stradbroke Island in Queensland, Australia ~ Also known endearingly by locals as 'Straddie'.  We first holidayed on Straddie 4 years ago, our first stay on the Island was in a gorgeous beach house at Point Lookout and we spent 4 magnificent nights is awe of the island's majestic beauty.  We returned a year later for a 3 night camping trip and once again were completely won over and suddenly holidaying on the Gold Coast or the Sunshine Coast didn't hold the same appeal.. we just ache to go back to Straddie.  While on the Island we love to do the Gorge Walk at Point Lookout {breathtaking views} followed by the most amazing Gelato across the road at Oceanic Gelato.  We love to spend our days at our favourite beach, Cylinder Beach and dine at the Stradbroke Island Hotel which has amazing views and food!  All this talk of holidays makes me need one!!!
4. What was a defining moment in your life?
My Nan passing away when I was 11 from Cancer.. up until that point I don't think I even thought about loved ones ever getting sick or leaving me & I lived quite a sheltered, perfect life.. But when Nan got sick it felt as if my whole world fell apart and did for many years afterwards ~ even now I wonder how different everything would have turned out if Nan were still alive.. She was truly one amazing, special lady and her passing changed the course of my Family. There is not a day that goes by where I don't wish she wasn't back here with us.
5. Do you play a sport, if so, what sport? If not, what sport do you like to watch and why?
I don't actually play a sport but it's something I have been considering more and more recently. In the past I have done Martial Arts so am considering returning to that.  As far as watching sport, I watch the odd V8 Race or Football game alongside Hubby but I'm not much of a spectator either.
6. What is your favourite meal?
Thai Green Chicken Curry on a bed of rice.. love it..
7.Can you remember the name of your first boyfriend/girlfriend?
I was quite boy crazy from a young age so even in year 1 I was writing 'love letters' to boys in my class.  I was quite embarrassed when as an adult one of the boys Mums approached me and told me she'd kept a letter I had written her Son in grade 2 telling him we were going to get married.  I think I dated him briefly in year 6 but the first Boyfriend I vividly remember was James, we were together the whole of year 7 and into the beginning of year 8, 1 year is a long time in the life of an adolescent.. We shared our first kiss, held hands and danced many a dance together at the local disco's. I remember him bringing me a beautiful heart pendant for Christmas.  I want my boys to make girls feel special like that when they are older..  My Hubby does such a great job of it now so I'm sure they will have a brilliant role model to follow.
8. What do you drive?
A 2010 Ford Territory.  We bought it shortly after Mr 2 was born as we wanted a wider back seat than our Prado had.  I do love my car, but I ache for a SS Commodore {red and shiny} ~ must be the Ipswich in me!
9. Glass half empty or half full?
Unfortunately I'm a bit of a pessimist... I never used to be, but after I had Mr 8.5 I turned into such a worrier.. However, I'm slowly learning to turn it around and think more from the glass 1/2 full perspective as I've spent far too much of my life worrying.
10. What was your first job?
A Christmas Casual Gift Wrapper for David Jones in the Queen Street Mall when I was 15. The contract ended when Christmas/Holiday trade was over but it was certainly an eye opener into the working world!  I once cut the sleeve off of a very expensive jumper that I was gift wrapping & I distinctively remember the look on the women's face ~ shock horror!  Thankfully I didn't have to pay and a replacement was quickly found. 
11. Is there something you would change about yourself  and why?
I would change having Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) Diagnosed at 22 I have battled with my weight and hair growth ever since.  I sometimes think it was given to me to teach me a lesson as growing up I was a terribly vain, critical bitch (for no use of a better word) and I think PCOS is karma's way of saying 'Ha, Ha!' However, I have had some low moments with it and I often wonder what if I never had the hormone imbalance.  But you can't change these things and I'm just relieved I've gone on to have 2 wonderful children as some people with PCOS have fertility troubles.  You just have to count your blessings. 
Now onto 11 random/interesting facts about me;
1. I live in my childhood home, Mum and Dad bought it when I was 3 and I bought it off of them when I was 22.
2. I only have 1 ear pierced because it kept closing over as a child and the Doctor advised me to not get it redone. I wore clip on earrings to both my Year 12 formal and my wedding.
3. It took 10 years to finish my Bachelor of Education, Primary Education ~ but I finally got there.. I did relief teaching for 2 years before having my youngest Son and hope to return to it next year.
4. I only have 1 sibling, a Brother who is 3 1/2 years younger than me. 
5. I only ever had 1 birthday party as a child which was a slumber party for my 10th Birthday. Having my Birthday in the middle of the Christmas holidays made it harder to organise parties, I think that's why the kids have a party every year!  I have also never worked on my birthday and let the kids stay home from school on their birthdays too.
6. I love Christmas.. I am a Christmas nut.. I think of Christmas at least once a day even as early as now and its only August! 
7. I don't have a middle name.. Mum and Dad took long enough to decide on my first name, so I didn't get a second one. Mum wanted to call me Jade but Dad won with Danielle as Dad's family felt Jade was too close to 'Jay' my Uncle's name.
8. I have 2 indoor cats Jack & Cat and 3 dogs, a Wolfhound called Ruby, A Border Collie called Badger and a Border Collie x Kelpie called Molly.. I think the last 2 have doggy ADHD. 
9. I met my Husband on an online dating site, we're a blended family made up of his, mine and ours.. We have shared care of his kids 50/50 and my son goes to his Dad's every other weekend.. Our Son together loves that he gets an only child weekend.. or at least we say he does.
10. My favourite band is Nickelback, Hubby and I had 'Far Away' for our wedding song.. He said he used to play that song in his car driving home at night after he'd come over to visit.. I'd always have to send him home in the middle of the night because Mr 8.5 (then 2) co-slept with me.  My Mum told me to stop sending him home at night.. (problem with parents living next door!)
11. I'm contemplating baby number 3 of late.. I had my 2 sons via C-section which having a third op is the only thing that puts me off.. But I would like to finish having my babies by 35 so only have a few more years up my sleeve to put the finishing touches on our family. 
Now.. the Blogs I nominate for the Liebster award are; Because I wasn't able to think of 11, feel free to do one as well :)  Ill add to the list later on when I get a chance to just sit again..

And your questions;
1. Television or Radio?
2. What did you want to be when you grew up & why?
3. Silver or Gold Jewellery?
4. Who is your favourite author/book?
5. House or Apartment living?  Why?
6. What is your favourite milkshake flavour?
7. Do you have a celebrity crush? 
8. What is your most favourite thing about Christmas?
9. If money was no object, what would you spend $$$ on?
10. Do you wash your own car or use a car wash?
11. Were you better at Maths or English in School?

Have fun and good luck! I look forward to hearing everyone's responses.